About the journal

ISSN Print 1026-0919

ISSN Online 2410-6909

The Uganda Journal of Agricultural Sciences (UJAS) is an online open-access scientific journal published semi-annually in March and September, by the National Agricultural Research Organisation (NARO). The journal is multi-disciplinary in nature and peer-reviewed with a mission to disseminate scientific knowledge and information for sustainable agricultural development. The Journal welcomes articles that meet the general criteria of significance and scientific excellence.

UJAS is an open access journal

UJAS is fully committed to the Open Access Initiative and provides free access to all articles as soon as they are published. The journal has an online Open Access policy licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial 4.0 License. https://bit.ly/47VSj5q Hosted by African Journals Online https://bit.ly/416QJIT

Call for Articles UJAS

welcomes the submission of manuscripts that meet the general criteria of domain significance and scientific excellence in various fields of agricultural and environmental sciences. It publishes original work in plant (crop and forestry), animal, fisheries, engineering, environmental, food, and social sciences of relevance to agriculture. The journal also publishes short communications, empirical research, research protocols, reviews, data, case study reports, perspective research reports, and original results warranting publication as full papers. It has a book review and an advertisement section.

Original research: should report a concise, focused account of original research whose conclusions represent a significant contribution to the understanding of a problem. These should describe new and carefully confirmed findings, and experimental procedures should be given in sufficient detail for others to verify the work The material should not have been previously published elsewhere. Usually should not exceed 15 A4 pages, double spaced, and have no more than 30 references. Should include an unreferenced summary i.e. intelligible background, rationale of work, and a well-crafted statement of conclusion.

Review articles: should cover a part of the subject of active current interest. They do not exceed 3 pages and have no more than 20 relevant and authoritative references.

Short communications: Is a peer-reviewed, concise, complete report of a novel finding usually needing one figure or table. Together, do not exceed 2 pages, and have no more than 15 references. May include preliminary results of exceptional interest for which fast publication is essential. Should be presented in the sequence: title, text, methods, references, acknowledgments, tables, figure legends, and figures.

Submission of Articles

We invite you to submit your manuscript(s) via https://bit.ly/3Ya9V9t. OR email at ujas@naro.go.ug. For more inquiries and assistance, please write to the journal office at ujas@naro.go.ug or visit the journal portal  at www.journal.naro.go.ug

Guide to authors and other details are available via https://bit.ly/3zSkGFj

Note: You are required to register to submit your manuscript by clicking on the following link https://bit.ly/3Lxi95b

Important dates

Submission Timelines: UJAS, publishes two issues per year and receives manuscripts throughout the year.