A century of forest management research in Uganda: 1898-1998

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J. F. 0. Esegu
P Ndemere


The early people of Ugant.la derived their livelihood from natural forests by collecting wild fruits for food, fuelwood for
domestic heating and metal working, wood for building and making canoes for fishing and warfare, herbs and other plant
parts for. medicine, and many other social and cultural uses. Subsequently forestry ma.nagement developed into economic
activities to supply both fuelwood and timber for domestic and industrial uses, for export. Forests were also cleared for
establishment of plan ta tion crops such as coffee, sugar cane and tea. Early investigations explored the stocking of rubber
trees and l'ines in the natural forests and ecological, studies which culminated in the publication of the book " Indigenous
Trees of Uganda" in 1951. This was followed by the development of silvicultural research involving underplanting of
residual forest after logging; and the development of polycyclic selection method and a monocyclic shelterwood silvicultural
system. Plantation forestry research in Uganda wa~ in iti ated to iden tify suitable species for increased aμd reliable
production of timber and ott1er forest products. This was mainly because the natural forests were incapable of supplying
the quantities and typ es of timber demanded by the market. Suitable species and provenances for plantation forestry have
been identifie<l including the techniques for raising and managing them. This paper gives information on fo rest management
research in lJganda from 1898-1998. It also gives highlights on future research in both natural and plantation forests.

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How to Cite
Esegu, J. F. 0. ., & Ndemere, P. . (2002). A century of forest management research in Uganda: 1898-1998. Uganda Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 7(2), 7–11. Retrieved from http://journal.naro.go.ug/index.php/ujas/article/view/15