Characterising the Coffee-Banana Agroforestry Systems: an Entry Point for Promoting Coffee and Banana Growing in mid-Northern Uganda

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H.G. Kagezi


Abstract. This study was conducted in the mid-Northern Ugandan districts of Nwoya, Gulu, Lira, Apach and
Oyam to characterise the coffee-banana agroforestry systems. Thirty fields with coffee-banana agroforestry
systems were selected and the level of field and crop management determined. Additionally, five coffee and
banana plants were randomly selected and assessed for pests and diseases. All fields had Robusta coffee type
whereas cooking bananas were the dominant clone (45%). Field management was limited. More than 80% of
the fields had no bands, trenches or cover-crops. Most of the fields were lowly weeded (46.7%) and mulched
(60%). Intercropping was low with 20% having maize or cassava. Similarly, most fields were lowly inter-planted
with trees (40%) with only 28 tree/shrub species and dominated by fruit trees; namely oranges (70%), mangoes
(63.3%) and pawpaw (56.7%) of the total number of tree species observed in the systems. Generally, 40% of
coffee fields had not been de-suckered, pruned or changed cycle. However, at least 35% of the coffee fields were
highly pruned and their cycle changed. For bananas, more than 70% of the fields were not de-suckered, propped
or their corms removed, but 63% of them had been de-leafed and de-budded at a low to moderate level. Leaf
skeletonisers and coffee leaf rust were the most observed pest (77.3%) and disease (15.3%) respectively. Pest
damage was limited in bananas, though black Sigatoka was the commonest disease observed (56%). It is
concluded that the region has embraced the systems but there is need for farmers to be provided with the right
species of coffee, banana and trees.

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How to Cite
Kagezi, H. . (2018). Characterising the Coffee-Banana Agroforestry Systems: an Entry Point for Promoting Coffee and Banana Growing in mid-Northern Uganda. Uganda Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 18(2), 111–121. Retrieved from