Developments in food science and technology in Uganda: present situation and the way forward
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More than 70% of agricultural GDP in l:lganda comes from food crop production, comprising of bananas, root and tuber
crops, grains and legumes and oil seeds. Sugar cnne, livestock products, fisheries, forestry and export crops contribute the
remainder. However, before these co mmodities are utilised, they undergo processing in one way or another, a job accomplished
by application of food science and tech no logy principles. Th is pa per gives an overview of the developments in Food Science
and Technology in Uganda by considering the Food Processing Industry, the factors that have contributed to its current
status, its constraints and the way forward. It concludes that if the mentioned constraints are overcome and the suggested
way forward seriously taken, our postharvest losses shall be greatly reduced and food utilisation diversified which are the
basis for food security.