Agroforestry potential of Acacia senegal in the rangelands of luwero and Nakasongola districts

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Jacob Godfrey Agea
Joseph Obua
Sara Namirembe
Mukadasi Buyinza
Daniel Waiswa


Agroforestry potential of Acacia senegal in the rangelands of Luwero and Nakasongola districts was assessed between November 2002 and February 2003. Proportion of farmland under A. senegal was assessed by farm transect walks. A structured questionnaire and interviews were administered to collect information on the socio-economic profile of the farmers and constraints and opportunities to management of A.senegal. Questionnaire responses were entered in SPSS and logistic regression used to show the effects ofsocio-economic variables on people's willingness to plant  and  manage  A . senegal trees on their farm . The proportion of farm land under A . senegal and other tree species is 16.78%. Acacia senegal is a source of firewood, fodder, fencing post, soil fertility improvement, medicine and gum. Education, farm size, gender, occupation and ownership of domestic animals significantly influenced the local people's willingness to plant and manage A. senegal trees. Therefore, local people need to be mobilised and educated on the agroforestry potentialand conservation value of Acacia senegal.

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How to Cite
Agea, J. G., Obua, J. ., Namirembe, S., Buyinza, M., & Waiswa, D. . (2005). Agroforestry potential of Acacia senegal in the rangelands of luwero and Nakasongola districts. Uganda Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 11(1), 34–39. Retrieved from

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