Yield performance of short duration pigeon pea cultivars in northern and Eastern Uganda

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J. E. Obuo
J. R. Omadi
D. Okwang
A. Eryenyu


Field experiments were carried out at Serere Agricultural and Animal Production Research Institute (SAARI) and Ngetta Experimental Station to evaluate the yield performance of short-duration pigeon pea lines. The study was conducted in two stages; on-station and on-farm trials. On-station trials were carried out during first rains of 1993, 1994 and 1995, while on-farm trials were carried in Lira district during the first rains of 1996 and 1997. Twelve improved pigeon pea lines were evaluated and Apio-Elina local pigeon pea variety was used as check (control). Improved pigeon pea line gave higher yields than the local variety. Amongst the improved lines, KAT 60/8 and ICPL 87091 consistently gave high yields across the sites and years. Highest yield 3200 kg ha-1 was obtained from KAT 60/8, while the lowest yield (570 kg ha-1) was from the local variety. KAT 60/8, ICPL 87091, ICPL 87102 and ICPL 87104, performed well and were selected for on-farm testing. Results from on-farm trials indicated that KAT 60/8 and ICPL 87091 performed better that the other two and were then recommended for release. KAT 60/8 was then named as SEPI 1 while ICPL 87091 named as SEPI 2.

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How to Cite
E. Obuo, J., Okurut-Akol, R. Omadi, J., Okwang, D., & Eryenyu, A. (2003). Yield performance of short duration pigeon pea cultivars in northern and Eastern Uganda. Uganda Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 8(10), 131–134. Retrieved from http://journal.naro.go.ug/index.php/ujas/article/view/444