Adaptive studies on a Walking Tractor for Smallholder Farming Operations

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Kasambula V
Okurut S.
Padolina C. L.


Mechanisation of farm operations translates into improved labour productivity, land use and timeliness of desired operations. A single axle Walking Tractor (and its accessories) is being adaptively developed at AEATRI as one way of improving mechanisation of farm operations at small-scale level. The first prototype was designed, fabricated and tested to adaptively develop it to suit the prevailing physical set up of the small fragmented acreage typical of the Ugandan farmers. Data to determine performance characteristics was collected and assessed after testing the walking tractor on tillage of the heavy clay soils in Luwero District and on lighter sandy loam soils in Kumi District. Results from the tests indicate that major changes to decrease the strenuousness of operating the tractor will require extensive modification and fabrication of many parts and components. It is, therefore, practical to design and construct more prototypes along recommendations of all essential stakeholders. This implies extensive modification of the present prototype. Successful development and dissemination of the single axle-walking tractor will increase the level of mechanisation of farm operations on typical small-scale Ugandan farms there by contributing to the Plan

for Modernisation ofAgriculture (PMA).

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How to Cite
V, K., S., O., & C. L., P. (2003). Adaptive studies on a Walking Tractor for Smallholder Farming Operations. Uganda Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 8(10), 323–332. Retrieved from