Published: 2024-05-17

Impact of Improved Maize and Bean Varieties on Household Income and Food Security in Uganda.

Isaac Kiyingi, Damalie Akwango Aliau, George Lukwago, Richard M. Ariong, Isaac Obongo, Stella Adur Okello, Stephen Angundubo, Juma Ndhokero, Harris Luzinda, Damalie Magala, Sarah Mutonyi, Fred Kalanzi, Anton Bua, Godfrey Bwanika


Quality and Price of Beans at the Market Node in Five Districts of Uganda.

Immaculate Babirye, Michael Hilary Otim, Pamela Paparu


Identification of a New Domestic Pig Cell Line for Growth of African Swine Fever Viruses for Vaccine Production in Uganda.

Tonny Kabuuka, Samuel Mulondo, Richard Ezinga, Daisy Iwutung, Richard M Kabaka, Moses Tefula Dhikusooka, Swidiq Mugerwa


Incidence and Severity of Bacterial Wilt Disease on Three Eggplant (Solanum melongena L.) Varieties in Central Uganda.

Immaculate Mugisa, Allen Molly, Winfred Aool, Monica Muyinda, Robinah Gafabusa, Jackie Atim, Ruth Kabanyoro, Godfrey Sseruwu, Beatrice Akello


Sustainability of Fish-Hydropower Dam Interaction: A Case Study of River Nyamugasani ecosystem, Albertine Graben

Samuel Bassa, Henry Massa, Shaban Bogere, George Owour, Herbert Nakiyende, Joseph Nyaundi, Anthony Taabu-Munyaho, Erick Ochieng Ogello, John Stephen Balirwa, Winnie Nalukenge Nkalubo, Albert Getabu


Measures for Reducing Tomato Post-Harvest Losses at Farmer Level in the Lake Victoria Crescent Agro-Ecological Zone.

Damalie Babirye Magala, Jerry Egessa, Jackie Atim, Godfrey Sseruwu, Teopista Namirimu
