Performance evaluation of crossbred chickens at Serere

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E. Ssewannyana
J. Oluka
J. Masaba


From 1994 to 2000, an experiment was started at Serere Agricultural and Animal Production Research Institute (SAARI) with an objective of improving the meat and egg productivity of indigenous chickens through crossbreeding with exotic cocks of Hybro, Arbor Acres and Bovans Brown breeds. Local chickens were used as the control. The birds were reared on deep litter in 3 x 3 metre pens and fed on commercial broiler mash at an average rate of 120 grammes per mature chicken per day and water was given ad libitum. The eggs were incubated naturally and the chicks hatched were recorded visa-vis those eggs not hatched to determine hatchability. The chicks were fed ad libitum on chick mash for 8 weeks then changed to broiler mash afterwards. The chickens were weighed from day 1 to sexual maturity (20 weeks) on a weekly basis. Routine vaccinations and prophylactic medication were done. All crossbreds performed better than local chickens in all aspects. The Bovans Brown breed performed best. The study also indicated that household income could be tremendously increased through chicken improvement.

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How to Cite
Ssewannyana, E., Oluka, J., & Masaba, J. (2003). Performance evaluation of crossbred chickens at Serere. Uganda Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 8(10), 151–158. Retrieved from

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